Thursday, November 19, 2009

sweet victory!

day 39... nov 19, 2009

didn't i say victory was coming? it sure did!!!

God truly has a way of testing our faith... and i'm glad i passed this one! even when i got a call from polo air last tuesday, i decided to put my faith to a test. of course i canvassed plane tickets and i was even offered a promotional fare by pal, the deadline of which was yesterday afternoon. i decided to forego it, however, because deep in my heart i believed God is ablt to touch the hearts even of the top management to change their minds about granting me the plane ticket.

the suspense practically ate me up, but i just held on, no matter what. i also thank God for the friends who prayed with me because at 11:03 (hmmm, familiar numbers!) this morning, i received a call from polo air! the exact same lady who told me my booking wasn't granted told me that they purchased a ticket for me... though with a different airline, the flight schedules were practically the same!!! weee!

cuneta astrodome, here i come! i am so excited for the conference because even a week before it actually starts, the thrill chills me to the bones! thank You, Lord for what revelations may come... weee!!!

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