Friday, November 20, 2009

the journey continues

day 40... nov 20, 2009

it's the last day of the trade-in, yet it feels like it's just the beginning!

the Lord never ceases to amaze me and as i look back to the past two fortnights, i feel like day 1 was a lifetime ago... yes, God has His way of changing people - from the inside out. i feel like i've been reborn (yes, born again!).

officially, trade-in fast ends today but my trade in goes on until the day God takes my breath away. He has a flair for making me whole again... though there may be confusion and ambiguity in what lies ahead, He is my assurance... He keeps me grounded and fearless in His arms... He restores my hope when dreams shatter and promises break... He has won me over with His great love...

i know i am meant to be a centurion and to be a captain of centurions alike... i can't wait for the rest of my life!!! after all, even after today, the journey continues... =)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

sweet victory!

day 39... nov 19, 2009

didn't i say victory was coming? it sure did!!!

God truly has a way of testing our faith... and i'm glad i passed this one! even when i got a call from polo air last tuesday, i decided to put my faith to a test. of course i canvassed plane tickets and i was even offered a promotional fare by pal, the deadline of which was yesterday afternoon. i decided to forego it, however, because deep in my heart i believed God is ablt to touch the hearts even of the top management to change their minds about granting me the plane ticket.

the suspense practically ate me up, but i just held on, no matter what. i also thank God for the friends who prayed with me because at 11:03 (hmmm, familiar numbers!) this morning, i received a call from polo air! the exact same lady who told me my booking wasn't granted told me that they purchased a ticket for me... though with a different airline, the flight schedules were practically the same!!! weee!

cuneta astrodome, here i come! i am so excited for the conference because even a week before it actually starts, the thrill chills me to the bones! thank You, Lord for what revelations may come... weee!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

facebook fever

day 38... nov 18, 2009

i went home from work today so weak from a migraine, headache and slightly elevated temperature... i was supposed to meet janet but such didn't push through because of this. i pondered on what i did for the past few days that may have caused such inconvenience... hmmm, facebook.

i noticed that ever since i started fb last november 9, i slept an hour late because i was so hooked up with chatting and comments and PMs... don't get me wrong, i love FB! i love how it has reconnected me to friends i haven't seen in ages! what bothered me was how undisciplined i was in managing my schedule...

now i understand better how to be a good steward of time and how to respect my body by giving it time to rest... =)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

sigh? not anymore!

day 37... nov 17, 2009

sigh... i really had a long day today... i spent almost the entire day in the indonesian consulate for their seminar on bahasa indonesia. the program they introduced was good... sadly though, it is difficult to implement since we do not have the luxury of teaching foreign languages to learners from pre school up to high school other than english.

sigh... while having our lunch break, i made a long distance call to polo air travels and tours to follow up my plane ticket for the 3rd g12 national conference in pasay city next week. i was so certain they would be sending me the e-ticket anytime soon so i was shocked when they told me that they could no longer do so, when in fact the confirmation was given last july yet!


but now i stop sighing because i know the lord has a purpose for all these. i shall not waiver in my faith, He will send me there because i have a portion to be received... so hang on tight, you'd be reading my testimony on this one of these days... =)

Monday, November 16, 2009

alec matthew

day 36... nov 16, 2009

it's alec's second monthsary today... he looks so cute and so big, like a six-month old baby... well, i enjoyed taking care of him after work and i know he loves me too because while i had him burp after his 10th meal of the day, he barfed on me... well, i guess that's how children express their appreciation.

our family is so fond of him all the more because he is the first grandson of my parents. he looks so harmless and so endearing but once he gets hungry or sleepy, he becomes so cranky and fussy! (thank You, Lord for patience). he cries as is he is in pain... though that is a good exercise for the lungs! and according to my mama and ate, i have no right to complain because i was as much a cry baby when i was young! imagine that!

well alec, when you grow up and learn how to read blogs, hope you'd appreciate me writing about you... luvyah lots! =)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


day 35... nov 15, 2009

i noticed that i'm getting fond of posting song lyrics... oh well, i couldn't help myself. i cried when i watched the video of this song wengsky sent me through fb... this is my heart poured out...

"home" by brian mcknight

thinking back when we first met
i remember what You said
You said You'd never leave me
i let go of Your Hand
built my castle in the sand
but now i'm reaching out again
and i'm not letting go
'til You

hold me
mold me
sometimes i feel so all alone
see, i gotta find my way back home
so why don't You
shape me
make me
wash me whiter than the snow
i gotta find my way
back home

Master, upon my knees i pray
i just want to be the clay
put Your arms around me
place my life in Your Hands
Lord, i know i'm just a man
i know You understand
this time i'm not letting go
'til You

anoint me
appoint me
sometimes i feel so alone
see, i gotta find my way back home
so why don't You
chastise me
baptize me
wash me whiter than the snow
i gotta find my way

'coz i'm lost and alone
i've been wandering
long enough to know
humbly i search for You
and i'm not gonna rest
'til You

choose me
use me
sometimes i feel so alone
i'm on my way back home
so why don't You
direct me
bless me
wash me whiter than the snow
i'm on my way
back home

Saturday, November 14, 2009


day 34... nov 14, 2009

we had the summit this afternoon... yum3x Word, great fellowship and good reminders for the weekend encounter. i'm soooo excited! as a season of my life has closed, i know it can only get better! i may not know what God has in store for me but i'm pretty sure it would take my breath away...

the day was all the more memorable because after the summit, i chatted with prej and pmerlyn... so wonderful insights they had, and i had to keep asking myself why i didn't listen from my heart years back. there is indeed no taking back the past but God is still molding my future... i wanna yield and not fight! i can't stop saying it, it's euphoric to be home!!!