Wednesday, October 28, 2009

this little light of mine

day 17... oct 28, 2009

during the scout's own at 430am today, i was tasked to give an exhortation related to the scouting theme of this year: scouts creating a better world. what way to better share it than by using what Jesus Himself taught the people of His time how to be agents of change in His sermon on the mount.

true enough, a lot of us deem of having a better world, to increase and to progress... yet we fail to realize that this entails letting go of who we are and what we have right now in order to grasp what we so longingly desire. indeed a lot of us want to become better and yet none of us would want to change. is it because it is human nature to be lazy? i don't think so. is it because we don't see the need for change? far from it, i guess.

the most probable reason is that we are somehow too comfortable with what is here and now that we'd rather rant on and on about becoming some brand new person yet don't even lift a finger to tread on such path. for most of us, the price of change is too high. yet we have to understand that the price os staying the same of much more costly.

we always have new year's resolutions yet none of these come into fruition or some do but don't even last for two weeks. yes, a lot of us strive to change but not in the right way, because true change can only come from the One who can give us a new nature. we have to believe Him when He says that we are the light of the world... that we leave the people around us better than when we first met them... that darkness will be overcome by the light we bring... we have to be convinced that we have to be the salt of the earth, that we may help preserve others and bring flavor to their lives in the midst of this degenerating world...

indeed, "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" - Matt 5:16

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