weee! i love reading about esther... here are some insights i have gained through her life:
King Xerxes (Ahasuerus in Hebrew): it is the king's favor that matters most. no matter how hard it must have been for esther (it was a matter of life and death), she sought his favor; it didn't matter how a powerful prince longed for the Jews' destruction or how thousands of people sought to annihilate the people of Israel, the king's word prevailed. because his favor was upon the Jews, he proclaimed that they may fight against any form of violence aimed to kill them. thus, the evil plot against the Jews turned to their favor, because the king was on their side... how true to life!!!
Vashti: indeed she was queen yet her crown did not spare her from banishment when she displeased the king by disobeying his command to appear before his guests in the banquet. indeed, position will not guarantee us doing whatever we want. everyone's primary calling is to honor the KING!
Haman: being overcome by the desire for power and fame can be fatal (yes, deadly!!!)... the honor a vile man so desires, yet does not deserve, shall be given to the upright man whom he loathes (since evil has always and will always despise good). what's more, the destruction he cunningly devises against the righteous man shall fall on himself. tsk3, villains always lose.
Mordecai: raising up a child not his own was worth all the hardship. he did not only feed her and care for her, he mentored her as well... even when Esther became queen, he never stopped teaching her and looking out for her well-being. (talk about discipleship!!!)
God arranged circumstances in his life for him to be at the right place at the right time, to hear of a plot against the king. (dwelling at the gates of the King's presence will always bring revelation that no other place or person can give). his reward may have been delayed, but God did not tarry. He just gave it at the perfect timing! (much to Haman's disappointment...) Haman not only paraded Mordecai (it was so pompous since he thought it was for himself... ahihihi), he even died on the gallows he prepared for his archenemy... aaawwww, poor Haman. (though he actually deserved it!)
Hadassah (or Babylonian name Esther): of course, how can we not learn from the brave queen? she prepared herself before she came into the king's presence. (beautification could also be consecration!!! haha); she never failed to listen to Mordecai, even though she was already crowned queen (submission at its best!); she knew that God held everything in His hands, she fasted and prayed (3 days without food or drink = Esther's fast... that figures!); she prepared a banquet to delight the king (everything really is all about HIM); most of all, she dared risk her life for a just cause... the deliverance of her people (lives spent running the vision to seek the lost and deliver them from eternal destruction are lives well-lived!)
at that time, Esther truly realized the gravity of Mordecai's words when he asked, "...who knows you [have become queen] for such a time as this?"
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