Saturday, October 31, 2009

i'm getting married

day 20... oct 31, 2009

i never thought shooting a five-minute video could take about twelve hours! hehe eljoy, nicole, derick, josh and i took just about that to finish the video for the upcoming reload livewire. at first, it was really awkward because i didn't feel the slightest bit of being an "actress"... peace derick! he had to take shots of me over and over again because though i tried hard to let out all of my laughter, there was always an aftershock while he was rolling!

i am thankful though, for this opportunity because i got to spend the entire day with reloaders whom i wasn't really close to. we exchanged a few hellos for the past months but spending the day with them reminded me how refreshing it was to spend time with leaders in the vision. true enough, we started out as almost strangers that day, (except for ej and nix, whom i have bonded with during network activities), it was so easy to connect with them because we were all with one vision. the vision encompasses the personality differences and tightly knits people together into a single culture, the Bible culture.

we started out in mts then proceeded to marco polo... had lunch at gs time square (i had lunch too! uhmm, mango shake... hehe), went to people's park, had pictures printed at victoria plaza, dropped by damosa gateway and shot some scenes at the airport before heading towards our home. we laughed as we realized how we hardly realized time passing by. i just hope all the shots and pictures would turn out to be good... all for God's glory!

*happy birthday kuya rey! i'm so glad my sister married the right man God prepared for her... you! it is such a pleasure to have you in the family... thanks for everything!

Friday, October 30, 2009

i find rest

day 19... oct 30, 2009

from the time we came home from our vacation, i have been bombarded with tasks to do and plans to follow. now don't get me wrong, i love what i do. i thank God for my job, i thank Him for the pressures that make me responsible, i thank Him for the strength to endure, i thank Him for the joy that makes everything else worthwhile.

so i don't think it is hypocritical to say that i am glad i have this time to rest. i remember one of pastor ruffy's sermons about the importance of retreating... indeed, it does not always mean surrender. it simply means that we have to calibrate ourselves and ensure that we still are aligned and fit for battle. too many times i find myself busy with life, that God checks me every now and then and reminds me that i have to be like mary, who found the better part.

God did not leave us a to-do list that would dictate our schedules, nor did He give u responsibilities for us to be defined by what we do. we are so much more than that. He asks that we be good stewards but more than just being caretakers, He wants us to realize that we are His children, who just serve Him out of love, and not servants who are granted favor by the Master.

my kuya once asked me whether i knew who i was without all the things that i did... for myself, for my family, for my ministry... i cried and i prayed hard because i didn't want to measure who i was in the eyes of God simply by what i did... then He answered me with a still, small voice: "you are my beloved."

that's it! that's who i am! there's no fear to take a little rest for God to strengthen me more for the battle... in fact, this rest is needed everyday through devotionals and ever week through sunday service, cells and reload. what a way to relax... in His presence!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

the wonder of precipitation

day 18... oct 29, 2009

i had fun during the three-day camp... though i am noticeably tired and dark, it was worth it. it rained so hard for the past two nights, making it impossible for us to sleep in the tents... even more ironic, it started to rain just minutes after i set up the sleeping bag in the waterproof tent whose window was left open... haaay...

i had to resist the urge of bathing under the rain... i then reminisced the last time i was able to do so, almost two decades ago when i was just five and my parents weren't around so i enjoyed getting wet in the heavy rain as i ran around our garden... (uhmm, a little autistic? haha, of course not!)

i listened to Ptr. Joel Osteen's podcast entitled "living under the rain of God". more than just the fun of literally basking in the wonder of precipitation, God's rain encompasses getting us wet. it speaks of God's favor never running out and how we can never have too much of it. God blessings are in so abundant and He longs to lavish them on us... not because we are good or that we deserve such, but because that's just who He is. then, my heart was still from disappointment of not being able to act childlike by bathing in the rain, because i knew that i would always be His child and no matter what the weather may be, i could always stay under His rain.

*happy birthday barbie!!! luvyah so much... i thank God for your life... go and take possession of the land!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

this little light of mine

day 17... oct 28, 2009

during the scout's own at 430am today, i was tasked to give an exhortation related to the scouting theme of this year: scouts creating a better world. what way to better share it than by using what Jesus Himself taught the people of His time how to be agents of change in His sermon on the mount.

true enough, a lot of us deem of having a better world, to increase and to progress... yet we fail to realize that this entails letting go of who we are and what we have right now in order to grasp what we so longingly desire. indeed a lot of us want to become better and yet none of us would want to change. is it because it is human nature to be lazy? i don't think so. is it because we don't see the need for change? far from it, i guess.

the most probable reason is that we are somehow too comfortable with what is here and now that we'd rather rant on and on about becoming some brand new person yet don't even lift a finger to tread on such path. for most of us, the price of change is too high. yet we have to understand that the price os staying the same of much more costly.

we always have new year's resolutions yet none of these come into fruition or some do but don't even last for two weeks. yes, a lot of us strive to change but not in the right way, because true change can only come from the One who can give us a new nature. we have to believe Him when He says that we are the light of the world... that we leave the people around us better than when we first met them... that darkness will be overcome by the light we bring... we have to be convinced that we have to be the salt of the earth, that we may help preserve others and bring flavor to their lives in the midst of this degenerating world...

indeed, "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" - Matt 5:16

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

where God wants me

day 16... oct 27, 2009

today was a long day. we had the first day of our gsp camp in camp corazon, toril and i laughed at the irony of me attending camps now while i missed out on all these things way back in high school (since we had cat instead of scouting).

it was scorching hot the entire day, we couldn't help but get our skins burnt as we had to stay under the sun for the "challenging physical activities" especially prepared for our girl scouts. i had to thank the Lord for this opportunity to be part of the lives of these girls in perhaps one of the most crucial stages in their lives... adolescence.

i am touched by their innocence, nostalgic because of the way they have fun, alert because of the many wrong things media teaches them and challenged to make a difference in their lives. i know handling high schoolers is a tough job (i never imagined myself to be in this position back then) yet i know this is where God wants me. this is where He could use me best and i thank him for the strength to move on and the inspiration to be a better version of who i am each day... that He may use my life to teach these young ladies authentic lessons about life.

Monday, October 26, 2009

vision for keeps

day 15... oct 26, 2009

we had the scouting investiture today and i couldn't help but be inspired by our speaker Scouter Tompong. for starters, he is eighty-one years old and has been a scout since his elementary years. he says he has found so much fulfillment in the scouting movement that he would continue doing it for as long as he could. he spoke for about twenty minutes without a copy, talk about an extemporaneous speech that was full of substance. and allow me to say it again, he is eighty-one years old.

as i sat there listening to him deliver his speech with much candor and passion, i tried to fast-forward and visualize myself in about four more decades. i then wondered if i could be as sharp and as bold as he was right in front of me. then a sweet picture came into my mind that almost made me cry.

i saw prej and my sisters... we still were complete, happy, a little older and much wiser... i saw my twelve seated with me in a tight, intimate circle. we still were excited to set goals, plant cells, prepare for encounters, run the vision. of course, there were more things to talk about like love stories of our own that were more than a quarter of a century in the making, kids, grandkids, reunions and of course, the multitudes... there was so much to share even though we had been with each other for more than two-thirds of our lives...

as the speaker was met with a warm applause as he ended his speech, i was awakened from my reverie. in just a few moments, i was touched... and changed... i will continue to run the race, i will stay in love and stay loves... this is for keeps!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

refuge in Him

day 14... oct 25, 2009

i said to the man at the gate
"give me light that
i may tread safely into the unknown"
yet he told me,
"go out into the darkness
and put your hand into the hand of God.
that shall be to you better than light
and safer than any known path"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

pinoy ako

day 13... oct 24, 2009

it's united nations day... weee! pisd was invited to give a production number in sm's celebration of united nations this afternoon. they had a contest on the best parade of nations and i was awed at the beauty of costumes so wonderfully adorned and vibrantly colored. children from 2 up to 62 were dressed in national costumes seen all over the world and the entertainment center was packed with so many onlookers... the place hardly seemed air-conditioned! hehe

well, as i was looking on boys and girls alike having the "time of their lives" walking on the ramp robed with creative and stunning outfits, i just couldn't help but smile. my smile even widened as our learners started to dance. they started off with the national dance of israel, scotland, mexico then venezuela. with the charisma of these cute little angels, the audience was amazed. (thank You, Lord for these talents). yet the claps and cheers the four dances paled in comparison to the overwhelming and thunderous applause the last dance had... that of the Philippines.

deep in my heart i felt grounded. i prayed then that we as Filipinos could always hang on to the dignity of our heritage and the richness of our culture. all around, our people may have wished in one way or another to be of a different race but God, in His wisdom, knew exactly where to put us... right here in the pearl of the orient! He truly is sovereign and He always makes the best choices.

yet being Filipino does not stop at taking pride in who we are. rather, it just should propel us to fall on our knees and ask the Lord to cover this country with His glory as the waters cover the sea... (Hab 2:14)

*i thank the Lord for the life of allyza, one of my twelve, as she celebrates her birthday today...

Friday, October 23, 2009

heavenly reward

day 12... oct 23, 2009

we had the semestral reading of honors in school today. i saw how parents were so proud to see their children climb up the stage and claim their certificates (well, indeed these were just pieces of paper but they had much sentimental value)... with faces beaming and eyes gleaming with tears that were about to fall, i couldn't help but be touched from within... seeing such pride in those parents' eyes made my heart bloat inside.

i couldn't help but joke about how the parents had the right to at least half of the certificates since they surely gave more than a helping hand in passing projects, coming up with reports and even studying for the finals. yet, none of these mattered as much as having their children recognized for all the hard work for the first half of the school year.

i was then reminded that one day, we'd all have our turn to climb up the stage of life to receive our own rewards for how we did in the pre-eternity part of our destiny. true enough, whatever rewards God may give us are not our own, but a collaboration of efforts of the people who chose to invest in us. nevertheless, what matters is that we toil on the right ground and choose the right path, that there may only be rejoicing in the end.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


day 11... oct 22, 2009

it's ate jaja's birthday today... im so glad i have one more sister in my life... my two sisters and i are pretty tight but there's always room for more in a family where God's love abounds... i'm s proud to have a sister-in-law as sweet, caring, beautiful and talented as you ate ja...

indeed God is too wise to be mistaken. He orchestrates beautiful circumstances in our lives that when woven together make a very beautiful tapestry. hmmm, reminds me also of how beautiful ate ja and kuya miko's love story is... talk about how God shipped them both more than 3000 miles across the globe just to meet each other... weee! ehem, i still am asleep... hehe my turn will come, single but whole!

luvyah all so much!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

when my world is shattered

day 10... oct 21, 2009

not really "my" world but i was reminded of this line in the song "yet i will praise you" by vineyard as i went through the first few chapters of Job in my devo.

at times, God allows us to be tested not only to shape our character but to prove to others, even to the enemy, how true men of God can stay faithful to Him even in the most adverse of circumstances. despite the odds, those whose hearts have been totally captured by God cannot dare to forsake their confession just because of having their dreams shattered and worlds torn apart.

it is inspiring to note that Job was very much blessed, children- and materially-speaking. he was fruitful indeed and very much prosperous yet he was able to set his heart on the more important and lasting things. he suffered even more than the victims of Pepeng because he not only lost all his possessions and all his servants, he lost all his children as well. in just a split of a second, everything that put him up on a worldly pedestal vanished like smoke.

gladly though, what made him precious in the eyes of God made him shine even brighter through this experience. word after word after word of "misfortune" came to him yet all he had to say was, "the Lord gave, the Lord has taken away... may the Name of the Lord be praised".
he actually was the original lyricist of Matt Redman's "Blessed be Your Name" (my previous post), though the bridge was expressed differently (hehe :-p).

through all this, he did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing. yikes! it pains me to think how in the past, even very trivial circumstances that could not begin to compare with what Job went through, have caused me to sin... a lot! (thank You Lord, for changing me!)

this truly posts a great challenge for me... when my world is shattered, what will my heart choose to say?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

my heart will choose to say...

day 09... oct 20, 2009

"Blessed be Your Name" by Matt Redman
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful 
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

Monday, October 19, 2009

for such a time as this

day 08... oct 19, 2009

weee! i love reading about esther... here are some insights i have gained through her life:

King Xerxes (Ahasuerus in Hebrew): it is the king's favor that matters most. no matter how hard it must have been for esther (it was a matter of life and death), she sought his favor; it didn't matter how a powerful prince longed for the Jews' destruction or how thousands of people sought to annihilate the people of Israel, the king's word prevailed. because his favor was upon the Jews, he proclaimed that they may fight against any form of violence aimed to kill them. thus, the evil plot against the Jews turned to their favor, because the king was on their side... how true to life!!!

Vashti: indeed she was queen yet her crown did not spare her from banishment when she displeased the king by disobeying his command to appear before his guests in the banquet. indeed, position will not guarantee us doing whatever we want. everyone's primary calling is to honor the KING!

Haman: being overcome by the desire for power and fame can be fatal (yes, deadly!!!)... the honor a vile man so desires, yet does not deserve, shall be given to the upright man whom he loathes (since evil has always and will always despise good). what's more, the destruction he cunningly devises against the righteous man shall fall on himself. tsk3, villains always lose.

Mordecai: raising up a child not his own was worth all the hardship. he did not only feed her and care for her, he mentored her as well... even when Esther became queen, he never stopped teaching her and looking out for her well-being. (talk about discipleship!!!)
God arranged circumstances in his life for him to be at the right place at the right time, to hear of a plot against the king. (dwelling at the gates of the King's presence will always bring revelation that no other place or person can give). his reward may have been delayed, but God did not tarry. He just gave it at the perfect timing! (much to Haman's disappointment...) Haman not only paraded Mordecai (it was so pompous since he thought it was for himself... ahihihi), he even died on the gallows he prepared for his archenemy... aaawwww, poor Haman. (though he actually deserved it!)

Hadassah (or Babylonian name Esther): of course, how can we not learn from the brave queen? she prepared herself before she came into the king's presence. (beautification could also be consecration!!! haha); she never failed to listen to Mordecai, even though she was already crowned queen (submission at its best!); she knew that God held everything in His hands, she fasted and prayed (3 days without food or drink = Esther's fast... that figures!); she prepared a banquet to delight the king (everything really is all about HIM); most of all, she dared risk her life for a just cause... the deliverance of her people (lives spent running the vision to seek the lost and deliver them from eternal destruction are lives well-lived!)

at that time, Esther truly realized the gravity of Mordecai's words when he asked, "...who knows you [have become queen] for such a time as this?"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

when the past comes knocking

day 07... oct 18, 2009

i hope joshua harris wouldn't mind me "borrowing" one of the chapter titles in his book "Boy meets Girl".

i was reminded of this while listening to the sermon of the 5pm bcc sunday service at pisd. whenever bccians talk, especially reloaders, they almost always never fail to mention in bccnese, "taga next level ka!" (you belong to the next level)

with that in mind, i had the notion of hastening my way up to the next level, not wanting to tarry too long where i was. this detrimental way of thinking led me to believe that was all there was to that: one level being a stepping stone towards the next.

as much as this was true, i failed to realize that the past levels would always have a bearing on the current one. if i wanted good things to overtake me in the future, i should invest the right kind of things at present.

imagine going up a ladder with each step as a level... after leaving one step, whatever was planted would surely grow, setting the ground for the next. if i would want to harvest blessings (in all aspects) by the second level, i should initially plant what is good and right at the first! talk about the process of sowing and reaping! true enough, we don't leave behind the past levels entirely but we carry on the rewards of investing in them.

i decide to plant, invest, sow what is good now so that in a day's, week's month's or year's time, i would delight and not fear when the past comes knocking...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

pressed but not crushed

day 06... oct 17, 2009

i was going home with rose anne a little past 7pm. i visited the girls in alano and i wanted to get to buhangin a little late (aaawww...) for the reload livewire.

it was on the ulas bridge when two jeepneys ahead of me stopped to load/unload passengers. as they took their time doing so, i wanted to switch lanes. i turned on my left signal light but the pick up truck on the left lane didn't want me to. so i waited for the vehicles in front of me to move on.

without knowing why, i noticed that the same pick up truck that did not give way started harassing me. he swerved my way twice, as if wanting to scare me off the road or perhaps bump into me. a little anxious, i drove slowly (app 30-35 kmph)

since the vehicle in front of me stopped on the road, i decided to take the left lane, getting behind the controversial pick up truck. the driver may have noticed that i was behind him so while he was running app 50kmph, he suddenly stepped on the brakes (with screeching tires!!!), maybe because he wanted me to bump into him. (in such case, the police officers would put the blame on me, being the one behind him)

when i saw into his cunning plan, i switched lanes and drove slowly, only to have him drive slowly as well, blowing his horn at a steady beat the whole time. wanting to just get away from him, i drove faster, leaving him behind. when we got to the matina centerpoint crossing, i beat the red light (oh no, law-breaking!!!) just to get as far from him as possible. to my dismay, he beat the red light as well, tailing me very closely.

as we neared the stop light on the mcarthur-ecoland crossing, i had to stop (since the light was red). here came the truck, stopping only inches away from the car (i thought he would really run into me). he banged his fist on the side mirror and broke it. (he damaged the car!!! huhu) my heart was beating so fast, i felt it would actually explode. i scurried over my my things, looking for my cellular phone to call 911 but to no avail. he banged furiously on the window (i thought it would break into pieces anytime soon) as he yelled "hoy! abrihi na!" (hey, open that).

i was just trembling, along with roseanne. i whispered, "Lord, protect us". i began to think that he was able to do much harm because even just by hitting the side mirror, he broke it with one blow. i saw his face, red and mad. he looked like a big man, about in his early fifties. i then contemplated opening the window, thinking that he would probably mellow down upon seeing that i was a lady driver. yet, judging from the way he flared up, he might not be the tyoe of guy who would give consideration to the "weaker sex" as they say.

seeing that his efforts were futile, he began tugging on the door handle. he did it repeatedly so hard that i thought he would break it, too. (he was still seated inside his car yet he could reach the handle, can you imagine how close he was?!) indeed, there was no other Name that we called except Jesus. fearful thoughts entered our minds, especially as roseanne declared that he might have a gun.

after a few seconds (they felt like forever), the light turned green. as i slowly moved forward, he did, too! ever so slowly to stay right by my side the whole time. when we got to the junction, he immediately turned right, heading for the direction of ecoland.

thus, i failed to get his plate number. the few instances of harassment from ulas to matina, i was willing to bear so even when i had the chance to be directly behind him, taking down his license plate number did not enter my mind. after the climax of his harassment, i did not have the chance. i was too weak, perhaps, to turn back and go after him for that sole purpose. so i drove home with the side mirror hanging on the right side, trembling. was it out of fear or relief? i didn't know.

as i got home, i relayed the entire event to the last detail to my family. i spoke animatedly, still feeling the heat of the adrenaline rush. as i prepared to sleep that night, the scenes still flashed in my head. i kept asking why... i would have understood if i cut him off or overtook him in some way but the fact that it was he who would not give way and i did not even retaliate in the smallest of ways boggled my mind.

i thanked the Lord again and again the entire night for His protection. no permanent damage was done and roseanne and i were unharmed. i realized right then and there that the enemy may have been trying to dissuade me from visiting alano again at night or he may have been jeering me on my previous blog about freedom vs. safety. i wouldn't know.

all i knew at that very moment was that i was alive and whatever happened could never stop me from fulfilling my mission. that nameless driver may have thought that he fought me too hard, he may have even puffed himself up with the thought that he inflicted damage to the car. little did he know that a Christian is never destroyed by what surrounds as long as Jesus is the strength from within. weee!!! pressed but not crushed... took me long to finish this blog, talk about being emotional... hehe

Friday, October 16, 2009

the wonder of life

day 05... oct 16, 2009

my first nephew turned one month at exactly 8:27am today...

i am so overwhhelmed by him, especially because before i saw him last saturday, the memories i had of this cute little baby were of the day he was born. immediately after that, we had to leave for three weeks. when we came back, i had a startling cough, propelling me to keep my distance up until today when my lungs feel clear, finally!!!

i was able to cuddle him, feed him, cuddle him, kiss him, let him burp, make him dizzy, dance him around and put him to sleep. all of these happened in a span of four hours and i did not feel even a single pang of discomfort. (though i actually wasn't able to concentrate on work since i welcomed a cute and gorgeous distraction in such a tiny package!)

it just made me think that such energy i had in taking care of this little becoming of a man, a budding person with actually his whole life awaiting him, had to be channeled in the way i take care of other people in my life as well... some i have known for practically all my life, others for just a few moments, yet these connections have their own lives waiting to unfold.

indeed, i want to and really have to learn how to take care of people more... how to be able to minister to someone who will be there in the long run and effecting the same change even in a swift encounter by touching another in just a moment. Jesus did just that! He never ceased influencing those who have been with Him for three years and even more, yet He strikingly made a difference even to those who were with Him even for just a speck of time.

He was able to do so because He knew the value of each one He met: His blood. now i say to myself, aha! indeed, the secret is seeing life as it is... it's wonderful! truly, it should be celebrated in every way can, in every place we can and in everyone we can...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

made for His pleasure

day 04... oct 15, 2009

i long to be passionately in love with the Lord... to worship Him the way He wants to be worshiped... to express my praise in every way that i can... to please Him with more than just a song but with who i am...

this song has really spoken to me today, just wanna share it...

worshiping You by deluge

take this offering that i bring
humbly i fall on my knees
to proclaim You're everything

my life's nothing without You
take my hand and lead me through
You are my sustaining love

i live to worship You
i live to worship You

*here i am worshiping You
with all i am worshiping You
bowing down in spirit and truth
with lifted hands worshiping You

i'm gonna worship You forever
i'm gonna worship You

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

confessions of a captain

day 03... oct 14, 2009

i choose to love pressure
i make goal setting my best friend
i walk towards the direction of my dream
i initiate and do not wait for my leader to aim high
i fear not failure for i have a great God
i risk, for Jesus did not die for my safety but my freedom
i pay the price for my multitudes
i remain not where i am
i belong to the next level
i do my devotions daily
i fast and pray
i know this is not in vain
i have a purpose
i stay in love
i am a captain of 100 and my journey is just beginning

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

i dare risk

day 02... oct 13, 2009

oh, what a glorious day!

thank you pastor rejoice for this opportunity... i didn't know blogging could be this great!

i have to take risks...

growing up being sheltered well and taken care of has led me to believe that life could and should be as comfortable as we want it to be. i chose things and to-do's that were convenient and did not welcome much routine disturbances. that's probably why my friends used to call me OC (obsessive-compulsive).

the heavy rain that beat furiously against our rooftop that i woke up to this morning reminded me of the ill fate that numerous filipinos had to deal with for the past several weeks... lives lost, homes ruined, hope seemingly gone... not even the lady who died while trapped in her car could have thought that driving safely along the familiar roads that she passed by everyday was risky... little did she know that the steady drops of the harmless rain could later on lock her in to death.

safety is good. yet, safety can be a waterloo. after all, safety should not be the goal of a Christian but FREEDOM because we are not a product of time but of eternity. God is not freaked out but He holds all deals in His Hands. we are not supposed to live life to merely arrive at death safely--- this is a disaster.

i should not and will not pull back from the context where miracles happen... where it's risky. i dare live in the miracle zone!

i will no longer dwell in the cage of limitation... rather i must live wild, untamed, undomesticated... for Jesus did not come to tame me but to make me dangerous to the kingdom of darkness... and so is any other captain of one hundred...

Monday, October 12, 2009

100 and counting

day 01... oct 12, 2009

David's men were skillful in their own right... indeed before David even met them, they already are described as fit and ready for battle... strong, great men... gifted in many ways... yet it dawned on me that the gifts and skills given them were not their passports to being written down in the Bible. in fact, it's far from it... they were David's mighty men, that's why their names would forever be engraved in history.

then it dawned on me... (thank You, Lord for this! it took me forever to realize it on my own!) my gifts and talents could help little in leaving a legacy. what i can do and who i am would not ensure me becoming a history maker. only when i am under the leadership of the right mentor and connected to the right vision will i ever make history!

i can try to be popular and famous, i can vie to make my mark in the world but all my efforts would be in vain because it is not who i am that can make a difference, but WHOSE i am... it is not just my life that can make a change, but what my life IS FOR.

1 Chronicles 12:14 says the LEAST of these men was a match for a HUNDRED...

i want to be like them, a warrior in God's army... even if i were to be the least, for a start...

i know i am destined by God to be a captain of 100, and even more! so the journey of Captain Crowned Eagurl, a captain of one hundred starts today...